Join us in an enlightening talk about mercury retrograde, Cancer madness, and then dance to Thievery Corporation! Caroline Casey starts us off with a talk about radical empathy on this show.  From “Mercury Retro in Cancer asks: What nourishes you? How can you increase your feeling of safety and security, from the inside out? What changes can you make in your home to better support you? Are there old family issues or patterns that hold you back from living fully in the present?”  Mercury retrograde teaches us to slow down and perhaps dive into projects that don’t involve technology.  Take this podcast with you on a hike! Click on the link below to hear this show.

In Your Right Mind with Emily!


From Emily’s website: “Our foundational astrological premise – as above, so below – recommends doing as the planets do, and in the case of Mercury Retrograde, this translates into slowing down, backing up, and turning inward to retreat, reflect, reconsider, regenerate, and all the other “re-” words. Mercury Retro gets a bad rap in our uber-yang culture that values always pushing forward, the faster the better. For the next three weeks, until July 20, we can cooperate with the cosmic flow by focusing on completions and cleaning up the past (rather than launching a major new beginning), and navigating by intuition rather than rational analysis.”


Visit Emily at her website: